With cell phones, internet, and the fast paced lives we all have seemed to pick up hand written notes, cards, and letters are something that has been ditched. Personally, I love the Hallmark Store. Standing in the aisles reading all the cards and picking the perfect card for the recipient just thrills me. But there are some occasions that require a hand written note and I think that every lady should own stationary and a beautiful pen.

Spritzing your letters and envelopes with your signature scent is cute, but come on it's a dated thing to do. Instead pick up a scent infused ink pen, the one I just ordered? The limited-edition Hollywood Signature Pen by Michael Kors. It's a beautiful pink and gold pen with ink that is infused with the Very Hollywood scent, plus it's just $25.00
A great place to get stationary is Etsy.com Visit the site and do a quick search for note cards and voila! There you have it.
Thanks to Miss Whoever You Are for putting me onto this pen!